What do you know about rolling down in the deep?

Diez Noots
3 min readJul 7, 2021


So you don’t know about rolling down in the deep? Well don’t worry today I, Diez Noots will teach you all about rolling down in deep!!

I have inserted this image not to showcase my method, not even for aesthetic reason. I did to annoy mobile users and laptop users everyone in general.

The first thing you need to know is that rolling down is only possible in a very deep body of water without any obstacles and it can be dangerous. For example, if you weres to roll down a hill, the ground would be so steep that your body would get tangled up on the way down. If there was an object in front of you, for example, a tree, then while attempting to roll down you may get entangled with it and cause yourself major injury or even death!

If these are not things in front of you then rolling down is perfectly safe! Just find yourself in an area where there are no children and with no rocks at all because those things will skew your rolls. You must also find an area that has a lot of water because this allows your body to roll down farther.

Now if all of these requirements are met then you’re ready to start rolling down! Just run as fast as you can, and the faster the better it feels!! Now once you get to the deepest point of water, enter it and carefully drop yourself into it. Remember not to rush into it but rather just slowly drop yourself in because if you go too fast while entering, you could end up stuck underwater with no air and eventually drown! When you finally do manage to get all your body submerged in water then start rolling from side to side until your body reaches a complete stop once again.

Also, keep in mind that you cover your head properly if your head is in the water for too long it might get numb and might run the risk of getting a mental freeze. Don’t get a mental freeze because that’s the worst thing that can happen while rolling down. So keep your head above the water and don’t go under for too long of a period of time!!

You see the ocean and space are quite similar, silent and unexplored, so don’t bring anyone else in with you they might disturb the peace and as the water molecules are not the best for sound to travel in so they might sound like they are speaking in slow motion.

If you do follow this guide properly, the ocean will feel like nothing other than space you could also you are an astronaut in the ocean.

Now once you have finished rolling down then slowly start swimming to the shores. If you ever get tired just use your arms and feet to move yourself through the water, trust me it feels awesome!

That’s it for this week, I hope you enjoy rolling down in the deep as much as I do, and keep an eye out for my next article next week titled: “What the dog doing?” so until then be well and remember that this is Diez Noots signing out.



Diez Noots
Diez Noots

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